ďťżImpact of Dengue
Dengue and dengue haemorrhagic fever are present in urban and suburban areas in the Americas, SouthEast Asia, the Eastern Mediterranean and the Western Pacific and dengue fever is present mainly in rural areas in Africa. Several factors have combined to produce epidemiological conditions in developing countries in the tropics and subtropics that favour viral transmission by the main mosquito vector, Aedes aegypti: rapid population growth, ruralurban migration, inadequate basic urban infrastructure (eg. unreliable water supply leading householders to store water in containers close to homes) and increase in volume of solid waste, such as discarded plastic containers and other abandoned items which provide larval habitats in urban areas. Geographical expansion of the mosquito has been aided by international commercial trade particularly in used tyres which easily accumulate rainwater. Increased air travel and breakdown of vector control measures have also contributed greatly to the global burden of dengue and DHF.
During the 19th century, dengue was considered a sporadic disease that caused epidemics at long intervals, a reflection of the slow pace of transport and limited travel at that time. Today, dengue ranks as the most important mosquitoborne viral disease in the world. In the last 50 years, incidence has increased 30fold. An estimated 2.5 billion people live in over 100 endemic countries and areas where dengue viruses can be transmitted. Up to 50 million infections occur annually with 500 000 cases of dengue haemorrhagic fever and 22,000 deaths mainly among children. Prior to 1970, only 9 countries had experienced cases of dengue haemorrhagic fever (DHF); since then the number has increased more than 4fold and continues to rise.
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ďťżUS Hospitals Sporting Fast Food Chains
In The NewsI think that fast food like burgers Fries and sodas and the last things you'd find in a hospital but. In many around the country places where heart disease diabetes and other ailments assisting with the obesity are being treated. Fast food restaurants are popping up almost as quickly as the meals they sir. ABC's Davis investigates this recipe for controversy. Burgers Fries and soda have saturated the American landscape. Even in the most unlikely places. Where some people seem to be shy to be on camera. What looks a lot like a food court at the mall. This is a hospital this same place we go to get healthy and to combat diseases like diabetes cardiac arrest in obesity. This is some of what's on the menu. While there are of course salads and for in the cafeteria many hospitals across the nation have a fast food franchise in the. It's ironic it's tragic and shouldn't be that way we need to keep those outlets away from healing place a hospital food plays a huge role. In the health of healing of people. Susan Levine hand dietitian with the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine. Which released report on the worst hospital food environments at children's hospitals. What did you find we found a lot fast food outlets and hospitals. Qwest high fat high calorie. And helpful served in the cafeterias as well one of the worst offenders according to the physicians committee. She Children's Hospital. But I would say that they're getting wrong I think you'll find that we are one of the superior hospitals in the United States. Doctor Scott risky the chief of pediatrics a chance hospital also told ABC news nutrition is an issue that we take very seriously. And that the report had many inaccuracies. He added that patients do not regularly eat at either the hospital cafeteria these franchises. But day or their families find their way to the hospital food court when they do so they'll have a variety of food choices just as our employees do. Most we spoke to here at the hospital aren't exactly complainant. About the fast food choices. Was great. You come here and you're upset and he doesn't have that comfort food and there's lots of things to firm and that's what we need is to be comforted that. After reviewing the positions committee's report chance hospital responded insisting that not all of the fast food chains are physically located inside the hospital. Some are actually right by main entrance in a statement to ABC news a hospital said. The choices offered are similar to what a person would find on main street US and healthy options are available at these outlets. And just like main street hospitals are no different. He's part of their business plan. Evening news. And making profits and used them. you on a little bit of a conflict of interest there. Keeping patient care going comes at a very steep cost and some doctors like doctor Jessica in the very people they're trying to save. Application at McDonald's and I think diabetics do are sitting there telling me their regular diet ending Mack went again and dollars come together. So now I don't like now. We saw all hospital staff doctors and yes patients filling up on fast food that's an optics issue. And perhaps any conflict of mission issue. And and we're dealing with that. Johnny blue for does CEO with Truman hospital has been rather vocal about his taste for fast food on campus. Isn't that tantamount to having an alcohol then there. In the same building that has a AB. To some extent I tend to agree with that. There is some inconsistencies. However there here are some logical reasons logical reasons why don't children's hospitals and the ability and anxiety that might be surrounding illness of that family There is a fast food outlet in hospital those kids are four times as likely to eat from that fast food outlet. And unfortunately the guardians and parents at kids are likely to have a false perception that that food is healthier. One month after Nightline's visit the McDonald's was closed after both parties made decision to end the twenty year relationship. In a statement ABC news McDonnell said. As always we will continue to engage in dialogue with our customers and with experts to determine future opportunities to offer expanded menu choices and information that enable our customers to make the choices that are right for them. As for Truman hospital doctor blue says he's pleased saying the vacated McDonald's footprint will allow us to increase our health literacy programs. Healthy eating initiatives that are disease specific. And medication compliance efforts. We have these opportunities as better. Better for everyone. do you think. There's no place for fast food and hospitals I think there is no place for fast and hospitals has I don't think those restaurants. Having interest in kids health have an interest in making money. For Nightline I'm Lindsey Davis in Kansas City, Missouri.
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ďťżWhat are the benefits of investing in reusable bags
Reusable bags can be used an advertising tool by just about any company, whether large or small. Companies can give them out during trade fairs and numerous other corporate events. These reusable shopping bags come in different colors that are all eyecatchy and will definitely draw positive attention to a company's stand during such events. The bags are extremely versatile and practical, plus they are stylish.
Other benefits that companies can experience when promoting their brands via reusable shopping bags include the fact that they will be able to reach a great number of people without having used too much money from their advertising budgets. When recipients of these branded reusable bags carry them around wherever they go more and more people will get to see the concerned company's logo and perhaps even its contact details. In effect, these bags are just like mobile billboards. What's more, the company will also be showcasing the fact that it cares about the earth as well as its concern with regards to reducing its carbon footprint.
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The Hound of the Baskervilles is getting a bit of a makeover this summer at Theatre Lac Brome in Knowlton. They're bringing out its funny side.
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grew up and studied art in Quebec City in the 1920s, until he won Quebec's first fine arts scholarship and went to study in Paris. He stayed there until 1940, rubbing elbows with Picasso and Dali and Miro.
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Be sure to clean the surface of any debris before applying primer. You might want to fill in holes and dimples with wood putty at this point. These surfaces should also be sanded prior to priming.
Painting over varnish is not as simple as painting on primer and topcoat, for the reason that varnish is a slippery surface. Therefore, prepping and priming the surface involves about 80% of the job.
ďťżHow To Paint Over Varnish