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I am in tears and have just had it. Dh left Friday morning to go on a NINE day fishing trip with his father, brother and some other drunks.
I have NOBODY football europe news where we live to depend on when he isn't here. My nearest family is 8 hours away. DD is sick, I have a migraine and I have half a million things to do for her school party tomorrow. I also need to run to the grocery store and several other errands and all must be done with her in tow.
Secondly, I am annoyed because I have NEVER been on any type of trip since DD was born. This is his second 9 day fishing trip. Plus he has to use his vacation time to go so that means I am screwed from doing anything myself because hi is using so much vacation.
Oh and he is on a f'ING island so he calls maybe once a day when he by random chance gets a signal so can't get in touch with him at all.
I am just angry. Angry I agreed to this (when I initially said no he hot real snotty and kept saying he will remember this so I agreed because if he did not got he would have made my life miserable with his sulking and football england pouting).
I am also angry that he even had the nerve to ask. If you have any concerns about your own health or the health of your child, you should always consult with a physician or other healthcare professional. Please review the Privacy Policy and Terms of Use before using this site. Your use of the site indicates your agreement to be football games bound by the Terms of Use.