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    cheap ghd straighteners Negative ads must emphasize fairness and accuracy even in the price of having less overt impact. The very best nega­tive ad I ever ran was for Jeff Bingaman as part of his 1982 race to unseat astronaut turned Sen. Harrison “Jack” Schmitt. The ad went as follows: “Do you think we should drill for oil in nature and wilderness areas? The candidates for Senate disagree. Jack Schmitt says yes, we'd like the oil. Jeff Bingaman disapproves, we need to protect our national heritage more. Two good men run for Senate, however they disagree on oil drilling in parks and wilderness areas. So, on Election Day, vote for the o ne who agrees along with you.” The ad appeared so evenhanded—and am accurate—that it overcame voter distrust and led to an upset victory for Bingaman.

    cheap ghd The extensive wrangling and possible impact of such relatively small cuts offers a preview of the brutal fights that might take place in any efforts to lessen the nation's huge federal deficits. They may be projected at greater than $1.3 trillion this season and $1.1 trillion for the year beginning this October—a couple of hundred times the size of the elderly care reimbursement cuts. But it's important Republicans find out—and soon. The fiscal cliff is real—it's not only something Congress must address this month. "Just about every state and local plan publishes a thorough annual financial report," she says. Boivie recommends that public pension-plan members look inside their employer's plan contributions with time.

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