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    cheap ghds About 46 percent of women are worried about having enough money to buy Christmas gifts, compared with 35 percent of men, according to a survey released last week. That goes along with the fact that women tend to be more stressed than men within the economy in general, Deborah Kotz reports. Another new finding shows that women are more prone to heart disease if they're raising kids or taking care of an elderly parent who lives inside their home. The study, published Friday in the journal Heart , was pretty shocking: Married women ages 40 to 59 who lived with children had twice the potential risk of developing heart disease as single women or those living simply with their spouses. Adding an elderly parent to the mix tripled a ladies heart attack risk. Men, on the other hand, had no such increase in heart problems risk if they lived with kids, parents, or, heck, even their in-laws.

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    cheap ghd straighteners Paying down your debt is more important than stimulating economic growth. Economists tear their head of hair out over this one. The fixation on reducing the national debt is obviously a Tea Party rallying cry which has been adopted by Congressional Republicans and practically every GOP presidential candidate. That's important, but they've got the priorities backward. Economic growth may come first, because more jobs, higher incomes and much better business profits will provide more tax revenue that will assist pay down the debt. Reducing the debt without having to put economic growth first, meanwhile, is self-defeating, because cutting government spending or raising taxes cuts into rise in the short term and helps create a "negative feedback loop" that perpetuates an economic slowdown. Yet that's precisely what happened over the summer, when President barack obama and Congressional Republicans nearly shut down the federal government over disagreements on how to tackle the nation's debt. Had they devoted very much effort to creating jobs, it might have done more to reduce the debt than the half-baked debt deal that left practically everybody dissatisfied.

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